The Gadget's Blog

The Gadget's Blog

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

News360 launches Honeycomb application, hopes to become your daily news feed

News360 launches Honeycomb application, hopes to become your daily news feed

Good news for you Honeycomb-tablet-toting readers out there. News360 has released an Android application that hopes to become Android users’ one-stop-shop for all their news needs.
Similar to many other news feed applications out there, News360 takes a real-time look at the top stories in a score of different categories, from politics and world news to sports and tech goodness.
Where News360 really shines is the Google-esque related stories incorporation.  Say you’re reading a story about the recent tornado outbreak in the Midwest. Along the top of the reading pane, you’ll find a honeycomb-esque menu with the names of different publications where you can read either a different take on the same story, or a very similar story with a slight twist.
News360 can also utilize your tablet’s built in GPS to deliver location-specific stories to your news feed. Simply click on the location icon at the top of the screen and the stories in each of the categories will be tailored to your location. Tapping the location button again will bring you back to regional/national news stories.
Admittedly, I was only able to spend about 15 minutes with the application last night, but my first impressions were very good. If you’re looking for a news application for your Honeycomb device, you may want to head over to the market and give News360 a try for yourself.
News360 is now available for free for all 3.0+ devices on the Android Market.

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